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IVy, the familiar
name for "International Viewpoints".

Here is the place to look if you are interested in using Freezone
and Enhancement Technology to help yourself and others.
Here is the place to look if you are interested in scientology
used independently (outside the sphere of influence of the Church
of Scientology).
Here is where you can read about the early days of Scientology,
when many of the positive
basics were established, and read about the personalities
of that time, those who are rarely
mentioned, and never positively, in the present day
Here is where you can learn something of the early
history of the subject.
Here is where you regain hope of achieving the things
you expected from Scientology --
and more...

The Magazine's aim:
In 1934 the book Scientologie by A. Nordenholz
was published. In the middle of the twentieth century
the subject of Scientology was greatly expanded as a philosophy
and technology by L. Ron Hubbard
and a big band of helpers. This band coalesced into the Church
of Scientology, which became a little secretive,
restrictive, expensive and slightly destructive.
From 1982 on, many left or were thrown out of
that church and continue to use and develop the philosophy
and technology.
It is this large subject that International
Viewpoints deals with, and it is our aim to promote
communication within this field. We are independent of any
groups (sect).

(click picture for larger
Front cover of the Astounding
Science Fiction that introduced Dianetics
Modern Science of Mental Health to the public fifty years ago

For Subscription details, enquiries and

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( If the above links don't work
for you, send email to: ivy@post8.tele.dk

IVy Web
Last updated: Jan 2010
