This is an important issue, as it
corrects an error made by LRH in the development of PTS handling.
In a nutshell, the story is this:
LRH had a study about suppressive influences done by John McMaster. This
study came out with a very clear and distinct result, and based on that John
McMaster suggested a handling.
LRH found that too complicated and
scrapped it. Instead, he introduced the S & D (Search and Discovery)
procedure that we all have studied. It shifts responsibility to the SP
instead of handling the item that is sitting there in the PC's case - which
is why the PC's case does not substantially and permanently improve; he
remains prone to the same restimulation by the same or other "suppressives".

John McMaster's
study about the mechanisms of PTSness came to a fascinating
result - see
full story.

figurehead Per Schioettz,
AOSH EU's lead NOTs auditor of many years, came to similar
results independently from John's research. His approach has been
used many times with great success. The article he published
about it will be re-issued on Web IVy in a second edition.
See more of Per's work on his
article page.